Thursday, February 08, 2007

Woke up at 3AM for the second night in a row

I finally decided to just get up and caught a look at myself in the mirror. I felt like hell, but figured I may as well make fun of myself and have a laugh. Sure beats laying in bed grinding my teeth.

I've never had my own animated GIF. I figured it was about time.


  1. In this the result of almost 2 weeks of work related stress? I'm starting to worry about you! Yep, it's phunny!

  2. Pshaw! It's more likely eating too much dinner too late in the evening and that I left the radio on overnight and late night news show came on.

  3. or maybe its...all of the above?

  4. I want to make an animated icon of this with "WTF?" over your head...*grin*
